Wild Flowers

 As a tea lover, a gift of a teacup is such a treasure!

At the last tea party I hosted (which seems like years ago), my two friends gifted me with this beautiful and vibrant teacup and saucer. They know my love for vintage teacups.

The floral pattern has a bit of a more modern flair than some traditional ones. I like the bold shade of green on the stems.

This featured teacup was made under the trade name Royal York which was produced by Salisbury Crown Co China at Stoke-On-Trent in England. It's my first Royal York.

Salisbury Crown Co China was in production from 1927-1961.

  The teacup design is called Dainty which was originally created by Shelley. So many of these early English potteries traded and bought patterns and designs from one another. I find this history so interesting and want to learn more about the inner dynamics of this once booming industry.

Receiving a vintage teacup as a gift is the essence of what this blog is all about-these beautiful teacups have so many hidden stories to share about their travels and owners.
Have you ever been gifted with a vintage teacup? Please share. 

Have a wonderful and relaxing week,


  1. What a beautiful teacup! At first glance, I thought it was a Shelley...

    Half of the vintage teacups in my collection were gifted to me by family and friends. I treasures the teacups that came from their own collection.


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